Hi, Nuts! The big squirrel, Michael, here on hiatus with Spidie in Palm Springs California. The weather is fine, and the mountains and dessert beautiful providing the perfect backdrop for Squirrel Haus Arts 2020 planning.
2019 was a banner year with a total of 200 plus days (many with multiple events same day) booked at Squirrel Haus Arts.
2020 is off to a good start with a market featuring products from the BIPOC (black, indigenous people of color) community Saturday, Feb 8th with @supportlocalhustle Come enjoy in the comfort and warmth of our building. This will be followed by the annual League of Longfellow Artists Fine Arts show Feb 22nd-23rd and Feb 29th-30th. Watch for our first to be believed fashion show, with @fashion.shenanigans. And, we are working on idea of weekly Summer Sunday outdoor market. Plus, we will continue to develop our 100% compostable objective.
Yes, 2020 will be a great year and we don't want you to miss anything so please “Like” us on FB, join Mail Chimp on our web site or frequently visit our social media for events and happenings.
Thank you to all who have utilized our building and to those of you who have attended events. We are blessed by your talent, commitments and presence in the community.
Cheer!…..Michael “Bear” Meyer